IBDoc Patient Information

Calprotectin is a protein that is found in white blood cells. In IBD, calprotectin is released into the gut – it is the best indicator of the inflammatory state of the gut without having to do a colonoscopy. The calprotectin levels relate to the level of disease in the gut and start to rise up to three months before you are aware of symptoms. It is like an early warning system for a flare – this is why it is important to monitor calprotectin, even if you think you are well. It is a system that enables you to do a calprotectin test at home. Watch the video to find out more: Collect a stool sample in the normal way, and instead of putting it into a blue pot for the laboratory, you put a bit into the tube for extraction. Once the extraction is ready you put some of the liquid on the lateral flow cassette and start the timer. It is just like your COVID test, but when the timer is done you read the result using the IBDoc App on your Smartphone. WHAT IS CALPROTECTIN? WHAT IS THE IBDoc®? WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO? Video embedded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieQjZQKkTRc